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The Positive Impacts of Birdsong

We have been very interested to see in the media recently, the positive impact birdsong has on mental health. At Helsbury, we are lucky to have an abundance of wildlife, including many varieties of birds, making the area as magical as it is. Among deer, badgers and foxes, we also have many birds.  An article in The Guardian said a study “led by academics from King’s College London” stated that “everyday encounters with birds boosted the mood of people with depression, as well as the wider population”.

Tranquility of birdsong

At Helsbury Park, we aim to create a tranquil and beautiful environment for you to enjoy and the local ecosystems play a big part in that. We have always felt that being in the fresh air and with nature helps to improve our moods and raise our spirits. We are so thankful that we can share this with so many people and it makes us so proud when we hear people’s positive and lovely feedback. Being able to step out of the door and have so many wonderful natural areas in Cornwall is something we are all very grateful for. Having birds chirping outside my window is something I never thought of as a luxury, but I now know is something I cannot take for granted.

Taking Time

Even if you can’t get down to Cornwall, spending time in a local park or green space, listening to the birds, is so beneficial and will at least provide time for you to shut out the noise of other potentially stressful aspects of life. The positive impact of birdsong is something many media outlets have been talking about recently but for many, finding the time or opportunity to act upon getting out in nature is difficult. Taking time for yourself is important and even if you can only manage a fifteen-minute walk or a five-minute break, trying to access local parks will help you unwind and hopefully help de-stress.