Helsbury’s Dog Code

As doggy people ourselves we understand how hard it can be to find good quality accommodation that welcomes your whole family including your dogs. Especially if you have more than the two small dogs many cottages allow. That’s why we’re keen to make Helsbury Park as dog friendly as possible. We also understand why many accommodation owners say no dogs! We’re determined not to punish the considerate majority of dog owners for the behaviour of the few. To ensure we all get along for years to come, we thought it might be helpful to outline some house rules for our doggy guests and also to remind you of some useful tips for a safe and happy holiday.

It’s important to point out that taking a dog friendly holiday does not mean taking a holiday from your responsibilities as a dog owner.

  • When you first arrive we strongly recommend that you keep your dog(s) on the lead while you get your bearings and get to know the site
  • For the consideration of other guests, other dogs and animals on site you must keep your dog(s) under control around the other properties, this may mean keeping them on the lead when you first set out for your walk, obviously once they’re out in the fields or the woods they can be off the lead as long as they are still under control
  • You must let us know in advance if you’re bring more dogs than stated on your booking form, any additional dogs arriving without prior notice will be charged for at £30 per dog
  • When you want to go out to dinner consider trying one of the many local pubs that allow you to take your dog with you
  • Pease do not leave your dog(s) alone with free run of the property. Local dog sitters are available enabling you to go out and know your canine companions are being looked after
  • Feel free to use the kennel adjacent to each property but make sure you provide your dog(s) with water and clean out afterwards
  • Do do doo-doo patrol! Please pick up after your dog(s) wherever they are and dispose of poo in an outside bin, even if it’s raining. We provide free poo-bags in the dispensers on site, so please use them. And remember to take bags with you to the beach and on walks
  • If you have a puppy please bring a crate or cage with you, we really don’t want them to chew the furniture or soft furnishings here in our luxury cottages! We can’t always just repair damage during changeover, more often than not it has to be replaced – at your expense! We do have a pen and a crate you can borrow if required, please just ask
  • Remember to take plenty of fresh water with you on days out. Some of the quieter beaches do not have facilities that allow you to fill a bottle
  • Keep your dog(s) under close control at all times for their own safety as well as the comfort of others. Dogs do fall off cliffs and get stuck in holes, please don’t let it happen to yours
  • Please thoroughly clean the cottage, including dog hair from rugs, before you leave; if properties require excessive cleaning we will impose an additional £50 fee to cover the cost of extra cleaning time if carpets, rugs or bed-spreads require additional cleaning
  • Dogs are not allowed upstairs in the cottages, there are stair gates in both properties to assist you with this, please ask if you have any problems operating them
  • Please do not allow dogs on furniture without using one of the blankets provided
  • Please try and discourage your dog from eating the wildlife, another reason to keep close control
  • Please pick up poo every time, other guests may have small, free range children or our gardener may well mow the lawn while you’re out and it is not his job to clean up dog mess

Thank you for your help in keeping Helsbury Park Dog Friendly.

The back garden, over 100 acres

Here at Helsbury we’re very much aware of the almost embarrassing amount of natural beauty surrounding us and feel it is our duty to work with the landscape and wildlife to preserve it and encourage it to flourish. There are nearly 100 acres on site for you to explore with your dog, you can devise a different walk for every day.

More details

The pool, sauna and gym

This beautiful new building houses a large swimming pool, sauna, gym, toilets and wet rooms. The building has a totally sustainable approach to it’s construction and the impact it has on the environment. It sits in the lee of the hill and blends in to the landscape ensuring that it complements the beauty of the Helsbury site.

More details