How to be a Dog Friendly Dog Owner
We recently came across The Dog Friendly Code, which was published in Dog friendly magazine – which is a great read and well worth subscribing to. The code is designed for every dog owner to aspire to be even more dog friendly and as we are the most dog friendly holiday destination in the UK we thought it was worth sharing!
Some people are nervous around dogs so consider their feelings
When you choose to go out and explore all that Cornwall has to offer with your furry friend in tow, do consider that not everyone is as dog loving as we are. When you’re in a busy area or passing other people on a walk, keep your dog on a lead to avoid causing them stress. Even if you see a person with a dog, keep in mind that they or their dog may still be nervous around others, so be respectful.
Be aware of the effect your dog may have on the people around you
Similarly to the point above, be aware and respectful of other people’s feelings. If you know that your dog can bark or be hostile towards other dogs or people, be cautious when taking it with you to busy areas. If your dog tends to be inquisitive, ensure it is being respectful of other people’s or dogs’ boundaries.
Always pick up after your dog and make sure you dispose of the waste properly
Dog poo being discarded and left in paths is not nice for anybody. Make sure you are picking up your dog poo and finding an appropriate dog waste bin to throw it away in. Most dog walking paths will have dog waste bins so don’t just leave the bag on the path or hang it from a tree as this could be dangerous to the ecosystem.
Keep your dog under control in public places
On top of the points previously stated, the likelihood is that you don’t know Cornwall very well and neither does your dog, so if your dog is spooked by something unfamiliar or simply wanted to look around, if it’s not on a lead, this could become a serious issue and your dog could get away from you.
Never let your dog climb on the furniture unless the owner has agreed this is acceptable
Please remember when you are on holiday that furniture is not easy to replace in short notice. If your dog in prone to chewing or scratching furniture, make sure you are not allowing it to go too far out of sight. In our cottages, we provide blankets for you to use on the sofa if you want to let your dog up with you. We appreciate that cuddles on the sofa are lovely moments, however we would ask you use the blankets provided.
Don’t leave your dog alone in the property unless you have your owner’s agreement
We do ask that you not leave your dog alone in the cottages however there are times when you can’t take your dog. We provide spacious kennels outside so if you need to leave your dog, to go to the pool for instance, this is a great option. Alternatively bring a crate or pen or borrow one of ours – you only have to ask!
Check your dog has been immunised and treat them against ticks, fleas and worms
Your dogs will not be the only ones at the cottages, so please, for the safety of your and others’ dogs, make sure they have been immunised and treated against ticks, fleas and worms. Dogs will be staying in the cottages after you also so please be mindful of their safety.
You can check out our own code here on our web site. If you have any suggestions for your own code please let us know.