Take a Mindful Moment
Take a mindful moment to breathe while you’re here at Helsbury Park
One thing being in lock-down has allowed many people is a ‘mindful moment’ to breathe and step outside the normal hurly-burly of life, and it occurred to us that this is the basic tenet of Mindfulness on a massive scale. There is no denying the enormity of the anxiety and hurt the pandemic and the measures necessary to combat it have caused around the globe and Mindfulness practice is a tool often recommended as a way to alleviate anxiety, stress and depression.
While it may seem to some like a current fad, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction was developed over 40 years ago by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School to help patients suffering from chronic pain. These days it is available on the NHS.
UCLA’s Director of Mindfulness Education, Diana Winston has been quoted as saying that “appreciating ordinary, everyday beauty can really transport people into a mindful state”. We are enormously grateful for the wonderful natural beauty surrounding Helsbury Park and as we very much enjoyed the Mindful Moments videos produced by BBC Two’s Springwatch last year, we decided to try and make some of our own.
If you are planning to visit Helsbury you will be able to sit and focus your attention on your breath, surrounded by the tranquillity of nature as often as you like. You may even like to try a little Forest Bathing.
We absolutely loved our stay here! Such a calming, peaceful location. Will definitely be back in the future
APRIL 2021
For now, here are our Mindful Moments videos to help you to practice what Diana Winston calls “slow looking”. We are planning to make this each season allowing you to join us in a mindful moment wherever you are.