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spring 2023

Signs of Spring

In Cornwall we have already started to see early signs of Spring. From daffodils popping up in our gardens, to tiny baby lambs spotted in the fields, Spring is officially on its way. You may have seen our post last week about snowdrops, which signify the beginning of spring, but there are many other things to spot.


Most people will be aware that spring is known for the birth of baby animals, specifically lambs! In Cornwall you will struggle not to see lambs in the fields. Lots of baby animals are born in spring and if you wish to take your kids, or just go yourself, to see and meet some animals, there are many farm parks you can visit. For example, New Mills Farm Park , located near Launceston.


Another sign is daffodils! In Cornwall we tend to see daffodils before most other areas. According to the Guardian , Cornwall is home to 80% of the worlds daffodil crop and it is a multi-million-pound industry. This beautiful flower brings so much joy as its appearance indicates warmer weather, longer days and they cover hedges and fields in a beautiful sunny glow.


The final indicator of spring on our list is frogspawn! We have a pond at Helsbury which has had so much frogspawn in previous years. We love to see the progression of it from frogspawn to tadpoles and seeing them eventually turn into frogs! Frogspawn is so interesting as you can see the tadpole inside growing until it is ready to hatch which gives an insight in to the development of the animal and is fascinating for anyone who takes an interest in science and nature.

So, spring is officially coming. If you are planning a visit to Cornwall soon, make sure to be on the lookout for these early signs of spring. If you post about them on Instagram or Facebook, make sure to tag us @helsburypark.

We have had a recent cancellation in one of our cottage for March, check out our latest availability for more info.