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incredible insects

Incredible Insects

We have been seeing some incredible insects out and about lately. From caterpillars to butterflies, we have seen it all. This made us wonder, what makes insects such an integral part of our ecosystem? This is what we found out.


Insects are pollinators! We all know that bees fly from flower to flower, collecting pollen, but they are not the only ones. Wasps, butterflies and even beetles, play a part in maintaining the beauty of the countryside. Cornwall gets so many wonderful wild flowers like the Ox-Eye Daisy, Sea Campion and Primroses. These beautiful flowers brighten up Cornwall’s abundance of green spaces, and for that, we have to thank the insects!


Insects are in Decline

Recent evidence suggests that insect abundance may have declined by 50% or more since 1970. This is a scary figure that poses a real threat to other wildlife and habitats. Insects are also natures clean-up crew, helping with the decomposition of carrion and dung. This, with their influence in maintaining wild flower populations, show that insects play a huge role in preserving the natural beauty of our green spaces.

To help prevent the devastating loss of insect species, you can get involved in nature recovery projects and do your part from your own garden. Click here to find out more from the Wildlife Trusts.

Our Incredible Insects

At Helsbury, we see plenty of insect species. At the pond, we often see dragonflies, In the woods you might see a caterpillar and in the fields you are likely to spot a butterfly. Let us know what you spot by taking a picture and posting it to Instagram! Tag us @helsburypark and we will be sure to see the wonderful wildlife that you encounter.

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